Acorado nyeremnyei ^^
Pnz:1.870.000 Ft
Cmek:2x Nice,2x Harmadik helyezett a Desire to Compete Parkban,3x Elite,Most Beautiful Horse in the Category of Fortuna,1st Placed of I.My Favoruite's Race,Good,Good in WLE,3th in II.Show Jumping in WLE,2x Elite in WLE,1st in Appearance Category in 5month Competition,1st in Show Jumping Category in 5month Competition,Beautiful Show Jumping Horse,1st in III.Alta Appearance in Alta,Nice Horse in Horoscope Appearance
3. hely: oldim.gp | We Love Everything | II.Show Jumping in WLE | Edzsterv nlkli kat.
3. hely: oldim.gp | We Love Everything | Appearance in WLE | Mn kat.
1. hely: oldim.gp | We Love Everything | Fiftht Monts Competition | Djugrats kat.
3. hely: oceanlovasok.gp | Desire to Compete | Memorial Cup | Vicces l kat.
3. hely: oceanlovasok.gp | Desire to Compete | Memorial Cup | Mn kat.
1. hely: oceanlovasok.gp | Desire To Compete | My Favoruite's Race | Fortuna kat.
3. hely: horsandel.gp | Warum Nicht | Horoscope Appearance | Ikrek kat.
1. hely: lownit.gp | Alta Verseny&Licitpark | III.Alta Appearance | Djugrats + military kat.
Nyeremnyeket majd ksbb :)
Acoardonak ^^
Oldal: www.oceanlovasok.gportal.hu www.horsandel.gportal.hu
Verseny: Memorial Cup,Horoscope Appearance
-H.A. 3.
-M.C. 3.
Cmek:Nice,Harmadik helyezett a Desire to Compete parkban,Best Horse in Horoscope Appearance
Pnz:100.000 Ft
Acorado II-nek :)
Oldal: www.oldim.gportal.hu
Verseny:Fifth Mont Competitions
-Djugrats 1.
-Kllem 1.
Cmek:2x ELITE,2x Elite in WLE,1st in Show Jumping category in 5th Mont Competition,1st Appearance category in 5Month Competition
Pnz: 600.000 Ft
Hoztam eredmnyt Acorado II-nek!
Oldal: www.gportal2.gportal.hu
Verseny:Hannoveri,oldenburgi,holsteini appearance
Helyezs: 1.
Cmek:Am schnsten hannoveri pferd in VH,Beautiful hannoveri horse
Pnz:5.000.000 Lbp
